Hyper Interactive’s Spinnables
3D engagement for everyday web experiences
Quick Overview of Spinnables
Spinnables enable a new type of customer journey, where audiences travel through media spaces via 3D navigation. In this example we demonstrate traveling through videos, photos, 3D scenes, a web game, a 3D product- all in a single seamless experience
Please note that these examples run best in landscape mode on mobile.
Click on to go in and out of full screen
Playful Interaction
The Spin action gamifies engagement with online content. Here’s an example of promoting content immersion via a Spinnable board game.
Spinnable “Trons”- “Mix and Match”
Combine Spinnables to create entirely new experiences. In this example help customers visualize outfits with playful interaction- and encourage bundled sales.
Digital Cutouts and Parallex Effects
The simplest form of a Spinnable is a two-sided cutout- similar to a Standee in a movie promotion. This is a familiar and immersive approach to visualize front & back views of a model and garment
Parallax Example
Spin the Trailer to Play a Brandable Game
Spinnable Game Spaces offer generalized games, customizable to your brand. Gamification increases engagement, return visits and provides another ecommerce opportunity. In this example a spin to the back side of the Trailer takes you to a matching game easily customized for your promotions
(please note on mobile these are best viewed in landscape mode)
Spinnable Banner with a Magic Door
Spinnable Doors allow you to embed product placements in videos and images behind secret doors
When you see drag left across the screen to open the door
3D Experiences in a Spinnable
Spin to the right and see a video, spin to the left and explore the 3D shoes in a virtual store.
Click on in the 3D space for an immersive 3D store.
Best viewed in full screen